Ultimate guide on Management Styles in 2023

Communication between managers, employees, and other entities is very important in an organization. There are many management styles that managers can choose according to their organizational structure. By having managers with better management styles that suit your organization's needs perfectly, you can have more active employees and a better productivity rate.

Ultimate Guide on Management Styles

Paula Kehr

Customer Success Director

Andres Rodriguez

CMO at Instagantt

What is management style?

A management style is a way by which a person manages a worker, team of subordinates, project, or a whole company. Management styles include the following things

• How managers organize work

• How well they make decisions according to a specific situation

• How effective is their planning?

• How managers use their authority

Every person faces different situations in their work, they develop a different type of management style to cope up with that situation. A good manager can adjust their management styles according to the changing environment while successfully achieving their targets. Management style is dependent upon both external and internal factors.

The corporate culture of the organization, its policies, and how active are the employees are some internal factors on which management style depends. The team which has a higher skill set does not need much managing than the team with a lower skill set.

External factors include the trend of the market, competition, and your customers. These factors generally are out of the control of managers, but they influence their management style.

Importance of having the right management style:

Having the right management style is very important. If your management style is not suited for your organization then it can de-motivate workers, lower productivity, and in extreme cases might push them to leave the organization. The wrong management style can bring the following results.

• Less productivity

• Low quality of work

• Poor communication

• Reduced earnings

Good managers use different styles to achieve their goals while maintaining a healthy work environment in the organization. Different tasks and projects need different types of management styles and a good manager should adapt to the changes or otherwise you cannot fulfill that project. The inability to change according to the circumstances can cost managers their job and this inability also hurts the entire company.

Therefore, it is very important to have the right management style. Your management style depends upon your personality and character which helps you understand what your weaknesses and strengths are so you can work on them accordingly. Being self-aware about how you handle a situation is the quality of a good leader and it will also help you reach higher posts.

5 most effective management styles:

The following are some of the most effective management styles that you can choose according to your specific needs.

Autocratic management style

This is one of the most used management styles in the organization. In this, employees are monitored very closely while they are working in defined perimeters. This management style uses the following approaches

The first approach is authoritative in which the employees are dictated by their managers and those who do not follow orders are punished. The second approach is persuasive in which managers convince their employees and persuades them that what they are doing is good and what they need to do better.

A third approach is a paternalistic approach in which managers have the best interest of their employees and make them work based on trust and loyalty.

Consultative management style

In this management, style managers ask for the inputs and feedback of their employees. This manager will make the final decision after consulting with every member to make the best decision possible. This type of approach is used in specialized fields where every worker is an expert, and their input is very important to formulate a successful plan.

Transactional management style

The transactional management style uses incentives and bonuses to motivate workers to improve their performance and increase productivity. Transactional managers use piece-work-pay to make employees work more and achieve their goals at a much faster pace. Transactional management style is based on the belief that you make employees work more by extrinsic rewards.

Mentor management style

In this management style, managers act as mentors and provide guidance to their employees whenever they need it. That gives employees the freedom to make decisions on how they want to approach a specific project. Managers just monitor what is going around with employees but do not get too involved with their daily work. This gives employees space, and they can imply their creative ideas to the project.

Transformational management style

This management style focuses on creating a work environment that will help with innovation and more creative ideas. Managers push their workers to set and achieve a goal no matter if it makes their workers uncomfortable or tired. This type of management style is effective in competitive organizations to overcome the always-changing environment with more innovative ideas.

Tips to select the right management style:

Most managers are simply choosing the most common management style without paying attention to their own personality or the needs of the organization. To help you choose the best management style following are some tips.

Choose a management style according to your own personality and skill set

The main thing that you must keep in mind while choosing the management style for you is keeping in mind your own character and skills.

• If your skillset favors a certain type of management style, then choose that style instead of picking a random one.

• When you choose a management style according to your skillset, you will feel managing workers and completing a task is not tiring and you will have fun while doing work.

Experience is another thing that affects your managing skills. For example, you might struggle to manage a project if you do not have any prior experience on how to handle that specific project.

Requirements of your organization also matter

The requirement of your organization and the needs of your team is also very important while choosing the right management style.

• Management style is different to handle a new and inexperienced team than to handle a skilled and experienced team.

• You must do a lot of monitoring and controlling while managing a new team and guide them at every step.

While managing professionals, you must let them do their work because they are responsible and know how to do their work. You just monitor them for distance and provide guidance whenever they ask.

Choose a style according to your organization’s culture and environment

The culture of the organization also contributes to what your management style is going to be.

• If your company is experiencing a lot of structural changes then you must according to your vision and provide stability to the organization.

• If an organization has a specific culture, then you might have to follow the culture and choose management style accordingly.

If your team is unmotivated then you must inspire them to work and be a servant leader to increase productivity.

How you can improve your management style

A management style that does not suit the person, project or the needs of the organization will reduce the overall productivity of the group. The managers who do not change their managerial style according to the changing environments and do not think their methods will not be effective at all. So, it is very important to improve your management style.

The following are some ways to help you improve your management style.

Assess the need of your team

Before choosing a management style, assess the need of the team and how compatible those needs are according to your personality, skills, and experience. Think about whether you have all the necessary tools available to finish the project. This will help you understand what your strengths and weaknesses are and what you need to do to achieve the desired outcome.

If your style is not according to the needs of the project, then look for ways to minimize the skill gap and track your progress regularly to successfully finish the project.

Ask for advice from peers and seniors

If you are facing any difficulty to manage a team or reaching the desired outcome, then asking for advice is the best solution. You all are working for the betterment of the organization and achieving the organization’s vision. Your seniors will gladly help you overcome any issue you are facing and can train you to build your skillset.

Asking for feedback from your co-workers and employees can also help you improve your management style. This is the trait of many successful managers.

Adapt to the changing environment

You can be only successful as a manager if you welcome the change and maintain flexibility in your management style. If you handle every situation and project with the same style, then you are bound to fail. Therefore, you must look for ways to successfully reach your objectives in always changing work environment.


Your management style should base on reaching your, your organizations, and your worker’s goals. Each management style has its benefits and its downfalls, and you should choose your style according to your own specific situation. You may also find that a combination of multiple styles is the best approach for you.

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