What is a Level 10 meeting? Essential Guide

If you want a focused meeting addressing the same issues by proposing good solutions, you need to have level 10 meeting.

What is a Level 10 meeting?

Paula Kehr

Customer Success Director

Andres Rodriguez

CMO at Instagantt

Everyone's most precious resource is time. Additionally, from an organizational perspective, leaders’ teams frequently have limited time. In order to maximize their effectiveness, executive-level meetings must be scheduled (and fit into their busy schedules), and this is the place where level 10 meetings come.

"Level 10 meeting" is frequently used with the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a framework for managing businesses that gained popularity as a result of Gino Wickman's book "Traction." It is a planned, extremely effective gathering created to promote alignment, address problems, and drive accountability within a team or organization. It usually involves department heads or important leaders.

A Level 10 meeting is a biweekly, collaborative executive meeting that lasts 90 minutes and always has the same agenda.

Things to know about level 10 meeting

Alignment, openness, and responsibility within the organization are all goals of the Level 10 meeting. Companies may improve communication, make data-driven decisions, and advance toward their objectives by adhering to a planned agenda and addressing significant concerns.

Gantt chart is used to visualize project timelines by outlining important tasks, dependencies, and milestones.

Important points you need to understand about level 10 meeting

Following are the crucial elements that you need to know about the level 10 meeting:


Meetings at Level 10 are normally scheduled once each week. Because of this predictable schedule, the leadership team can maintain a cadence and rhythm in their communication and decision-making processes. Weekly meetings allow the team to stay informed of developments, discuss problems or difficulties, and make required modifications to keep the business on course.

Frequency plays significant roles in level 10 meetings such as:

·   Team members are responsible for their commitments and advancement because regular meetings occur. It facilitates the prompt completion of tasks and goals by fostering a sense of urgency.

·   The Level 10 meeting offers a specialized setting for locating and fixing problems. Teams that meet frequently may address issues as they arise, stop them from getting worse, and keep their priorities in line.

·   The team can maintain alignment with the company's goals and objectives through weekly meetings.

·   Regular meetings encourage the leadership team to collaborate and communicate effectively. It enables sharing of information, opinions, and insights, improving decision-making and problem-solving.

Duration is important

A Level 10 meeting's duration is essential to preserving its efficacy, focus, and efficiency. It guarantees that the team adheres to the time limits of the participants while covering the relevant topics, making prompt choices, and maintaining accountability. It is monitored by designing a Gant chart that makes time management easy for all participants.

The team is encouraged to prioritize and deal with pressing issues as soon as possible in a short time frame. Instead of putting off crucial decisions until later meetings, it fosters a sense of urgency and stimulates decision-making.

The tight period encourages the team to prioritize and take care of urgent issues as soon as feasible. It promotes a sense of urgency and encourages decision-making rather than delaying important decisions until later sessions.

It respects the participants' time obligations by keeping the meeting brief. It acknowledges that everyone's time is valuable and works to maximize the meeting's efficacy while minimizing interference with their regular jobs.

Important note:

You can also use tools like Instagantt as they can help in creating Gantt Chart online with all the details you need

Attendees and their roles

Participants take on certain responsibilities to guarantee successful and fruitful meetings. It's significant to note that the specific functions and titles may change depending on the organization and its structure.

The facilitator presides over the meeting, controls the flow of time, and ensures that the agenda is followed. They make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak and keep the meeting on schedule.

·   The owner or the highest-ranking executive in the company is usually the visionary or the leader. Their responsibilities include giving direction, establishing the vision and goals, and making tactical choices.

·   The integrator is often in charge of carrying out the vision and plan the visionary/leader established. They support team alignment, guarantee responsibility, and oversee daily business operations.

Team members participate in meetings by sharing updates, outlining progress, bringing up problems, and contributing to conversations about how to solve problems.

Team members contribute to meetings by offering updates, describing progress, bringing up issues, and participating in discussions on addressing them.

Agenda is most important thing

The agenda guides the meeting, defining the subjects and things to be covered in an organized way. It aids in maintaining the meeting's organization, attention, and effectiveness.

Each item on the meeting agenda is given a time slot according to the agenda. This promotes efficient time management and guarantees that discussions do not drag on.

An agenda establishes a clear framework for the meeting by listing the topics that will be covered in what order. Participants can follow the meeting's flow and anticipate their turn to speak up thanks to this structure's clarity and consistency.

Action items or choices that need to be made are frequently on the agenda. It designates particular people with responsibility for these duties. This encourages accountability and guarantees that the meeting's conclusions are put into practice or followed up on.

Participants can use the agenda as a guide to prepare for the meeting. It enables them to compile pertinent data, reports, or information regarding the agenda items. The agenda promotes active participation and informed debates during the meeting by supplying this information beforehand.


Key performance indicators (KPIs) or measures that align with the organization's strategic goals often make up the scorecards in the Level 10 Meeting.

·   Scorecards offer a practical approach to gauging the effectiveness of various corporate operations. They concentrate on the most important measures that show advancement towards strategic objectives and overall business success.

·   The use of scorecards inside an organization aid in establishing accountability. They offer a foundation for evaluating individual and team performance by defining and monitoring essential parameters.

Team members are expected to report on their individual scorecards at the Level 10 Meeting, providing updates, discussing their progress, and addressing any problems or roadblocks. This encourages a sense of accountability for the outcomes.

Scorecards offer useful information that helps the organization make decisions. They give executives the ability to gauge how their choices will affect important performance indicators and measure the efficiency of various plans of action.

Scorecards guarantee coordination among various organizational divisions and functions. Teams can see each other's performance during the Level 10 Meeting and comprehend how their work relates to the company's overarching objectives by exchanging and discussing scorecards.

Issues list

The issues list acts as a focal point for recording and keeping track of all the issues and problems that must be resolved during the meeting. Using a Gantt chart, the team can identify crucial jobs and rank them according to their importance and urgency.

Team members are urged to record any issues, challenges, or worries they encounter throughout the week. The organization's objectives, initiatives, tasks, personnel, or any other component of the company's operations may be the subject of these problems.

The team evaluates the status of previously addressed topics at subsequent Level 10 Meetings to track progress and decide whether additional action is necessary. When an issue is resolved, it can be crossed off the list to show that it was successfully resolved and to make room for future issues.

The team develops an action plan after deciding how to handle each issue. This plan outlines the precise duties, due dates, and other information required to carry out the solution successfully. The action plan aids in measuring progress and ensuring responsibility.

Discussion and problem-solving

Addressing the problems and difficulties the organization is facing is the purpose of the discussion and problem-solving step in a Level 10 meeting. In this stage, the team members discuss the problems freely and collaborate to develop solutions.

·   Each leadership team member presents their top three concerns or priorities at the start of the meeting. These problems might be anything that needs attention, from operational difficulties to strategic choices.

·   After listing all the issues, the team decides on the top priority for discussion. They evaluate each issue's significance and urgency before deciding which ones to discuss in the meeting.

·   The group has open talks about the chosen issues in a productive manner.

·   Once the issues are thoroughly discussed, the team focuses on problem-solving.

·   After resolving the problems, the team identifies specific actions or tasks to implement the solutions.


The Level 10 Meeting's accountability encourages a culture of accountability, openness, and action. It makes sure that people are dedicated to their work, that progress is monitored, and that problems are fixed, ultimately advancing the team and organization closer to their objectives.

Each Level 10 Meeting concludes with participants setting specific objectives, next steps, and due dates for the coming week. Each team member commits to a certain task and is responsible for finishing it within a predetermined period.

The Level 10 Meeting ensures accountability is upheld throughout the organization by addressing issues openly, designating responsibility for resolving them, and monitoring their progress.

Final Remarks:

The Level 10 meeting is a particular kind of EOS meeting that strives to improve organizational responsibility, problem-solving, and communication.

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