A New Update is Here! 🚀

We’re very excited to introduce our latest update, which includes new features and some improvements to features you already love! 

Andres Rodriguez

Chief Marketing Officer

Andres Rodriguez

CMO at Instagantt

New features include in-app alerts and inbox for new comments, and a brand new Table View for the task list! Improved features include enhanced dependency management that allows you to connect container tasks with dependencies and a new take on custom field activation and visibility

Scroll down to learn more about this update! 👇

New Comment Alerts and Inbox 💬

We all know that staying on top of your tasks is crucial for your projects’ development, and sometimes, comments can play a critical role! This is why we’ve developed a new feature, which will notify you when there are new comments on your tasks, by showing a beating comment icon next to your task! 

Additionally, to make it even easier for you, a New comments Inbox has been added to the top toolbar, so you can easily check it and go to the tasks with the most relevant comments for you. That way, you can browse the list of comments and go to the ones that interest you effortlessly! And to avoid the annoying part of notifications, you can also clear all comments if you see that none of them are relevant for your work. Awesome, right?

Here’s how it works:



Please note that the new comment icon and notification on the New comments Inbox will only appear when the comment was made by a user other than you. For comments made by yourself, no notification or icon will appear!


Enhanced Dependencies ⤵️

With this new update, you can now set dependencies between bars and brackets too! This means a parent task can be connected to other tasks with dependencies, even if that parent task doesn't have fixed dates and it's depending on the mobile dates of its subtasks. 

The only constraint for this is that dependencies cannot be set between parent tasks and their children (subtasks), which means a parent task can no longer be the predecessor (or successor) of any of its subtasks or sub-subtasks and so on. This is because parenthood already makes them dependent, so moving a parent will also move all the subtasks contained in it. However, subtasks from the same parent task (siblings) still can be connected with dependencies.

The bottomline is that Instagantt now allows you to create any kind of task dependency for your projects, even the most complex ones! Check bracket dependencies in the image below. For reference, the brackets with dependencies are colored in orange:


Table View 📋

In project management, it is often necessary to check the list of tasks in a comprehensive way, to understand every aspect of the project that needs to be handled in an efficient way. Being aware of this, we’ve developed a new feature to help you with that part of the job! So drumroll…we present you with Table View!

Table View is the newest view we’ve developed to help track every column of your project, and yes! It includes all active custom fields too! With this view, you can check an extended view of the same task list you’ve always seen in Gantt view, but with much more detail. We hope this new view can help teams all over the world have a better understanding of the project's needs and more critical columns or tasks, simplifying the way you can check and filter the task list of the project, as the Gantt chart won’t be crowding up the screen in that view. 

Here's how Table View looks:


Custom Field Visibility 💡

Custom fields are a great way to add more information to your project, but since we released the feature, we’ve been brainstorming on how we could improve the management of those custom fields across different kinds of projects, which may have different needs. 

With this new update, custom fields will still apply to all the projects saved in a workbook, but now you can choose to activate them and/or make them visible at a project level! The selected settings will be saved for a project as soon as you apply any changes to which custom fields will be active and/or visible on that specific project. 

Additionally, a new type of custom field has been included, Checkboxes!


New projects and templates will come with all the custom fields for the workbook active and visible, so that you can choose which ones you want to keep active and visible for that particular project, considering the project’s needs.

And, as we previously mentioned, all active custom fields will be visible in Table View. Here you can see how you can manage custom fields in Table View:


Board View Improvements 🚀

Board view now comes with some enhancements too! We've changed the way in which subtasks are displayed, to simplify the view, so that you can better understand the tasks' status at a glance.

Now you'll see that subtasks are included inside their parent task, which can be easily collapsed or expanded to have a more disaggregated view, or a global view with all the details. For this, we've included arrows in each of the parent tasks, which can be clicked to show or hide the subtasks, and also a Subtasks button, where you can choose to collapse or expand them all. Yay for simplicity!


IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THIS UPDATE: Most of the features and improvements explained in this post are only available on Instagantt Standalone. The update on Instagantt for Asana only includes Enhanced Dependencies.

That's all for now! We hope you are as excited as we are to try these new features! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback ⚡️


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