Top AI Tools for HR that can help the process flow better

Being an HR comes with a lot of tasks and responsibilities. Basically, you would be the one who will be headhunting the best employees for the business, and you might not be able to do it perfectly if you don't use the right tools. Yes, with the help of AI tools, your position in HR becomes a little easier to deal with. 

Andres Rodriguez

Chief Marketing Officer

Using AI Tools for HR will make your life a bit easier, and you will become more efficient with your job details. You just have to use the right AI tool for the given task for your HR job. 

Top 10 AI Tools for HR you need to know about

There are plenty of AI Tools for HR available over the internet nowadays. You just have to pick the right one if you don't want your HR tasks to get mixed up. Therefore, here is a list of the top 10 AI tools that are specially designed for HR tasks:

1. EdApp

You will require your team to be onboard, and if you don't want to create a course for them to follow, then you can certainly consider using EdApp. It will create a course that all your team members will certainly follow right away. Basically, it is a creator tool, and the AI will help you to create tasks within no time.

The tool comes with a microlearning feature, so you will have to problem to understand it. Smart notifications, analytics and reporting are also amazing features that you will get with EdApp.

Performance Dashboard

2. Kajabi

Are you looking for an AI creator tool that will help you to create lessons? Well, Kajabi is one of the best and most creative lesson content generation tools so far because it will help you to create outlines, and it will work as your copywriting assistant. 

You won't have to do any hassle to create lessons or their outlines because this tool will surely do the job for you and it won't take much time as well. As an HR, you might have to train your juniors, and for that, you will require content, and this is where Kajabi will help you. 

Kajabi: precios, funciones y opiniones | GetApp Chile 2024

3. ChatGPT

One of the modern, famous, and widely used AI tools nowadays is ChatGPT. Well, it helps you to create content within seconds. You just have to give this tool the right command, and it will provide you with paragraphs of content right away. ChatGPT can research, brainstorm, and write something out of the box that will certainly work for you. 

chatGPT screenshot - Chrome Web Store

4. Bard

Do you want an AI tool that will do reasoning with you while you are brainstorming? Well, Bard is Google's conversational AI tool that will have an actual conversation with you with all the facts and figures while you are sharing your ideas with it. 

This language model is all about classification, reasoning, language proficiency, and many more features so that you can get the best out of this AI tool. 

How to Use Google Bard to Find Images Faster | WIRED

5. 5IntelliHR

If you want an AI tool that helps you with project management, then IntelliHR is surely one of the considerable options. With the help of this AI tool and Gantt charts, you can centralize all the employee data and have the report made by it as well. 

So, for talent retention systems, reporting, tracking performance, compliance needs, and workflow automation, IntelliHR is surely a good tool to give it a go. It will also help you with goal management tasks, and this tool surely has everything covered that you will require to perform HR tasks. 

Why IntelliHR (ASX:IHR) Catches My Eye - A Rich Life

6. Axonify

Another amazing AI tool that has features like AI learning, workflow integration, and microlearning. This AI tool will help in tracking the progress and performance of the workers and coming up with solutions. Axonify will surely make the HR job easier with all the performance tracking, creating content, and having everyone onboard.

Measure the impact of employee training on your business

7. Degreed

To improve learning experiences for all the new hires, you would require some AI help, and you will get it from Degreed. This AI tool has been designed to help you analyze the progress of the learner so far, and then it will suggest some personalized learning and skill-based resources. 

It will also provide you with the needed content so you don't have to struggle at all. You get the course recommendations and everything that would be needed for the learner to learn better about their jobs.

The Degreed App Home Window – Degreed

8. Coassemble

You might have got an idea about this AI tool from its name. It is a people management tool that allows you to focus on training materials. 

  • With the help of this tool, you will have a grip on the team's development and learning all the time, and you can track their performance this way as well. 
  • With Coassemble, you can create courses that the learners will follow, and you will know on which step they are working at the moment and whether everything is going according to the onboarding steps or not. 

The AI content creation feature of this tool helps with creating content, and you can also add AI-assisted quizzes so the learning experience for everyone will be a little competitive and maybe fun as well.

Home - Coassemble

9. Timely

Sometimes, you and your team forget everyday tasks and end up missing something, and then everyone might have to work for a few hours. Well not anymore because Timely helps in notifying everyone about their daily activities so they can wrap them before they have to go home. Basically

, Timely is's workforce management system that helps in managing tasks and tracking time. Using this AI tool is quite simple and easy, and it will surely make everyone's life a bit smoother because they will know what they need to get done every day. 

Timely time tracking software

10. Cegid

As an HR, you would track the progress of all the workers by assessing their performance so far. Well, to get a little help on analyzing data using assessment tools, your job will get a little easier. Cegid is all about AI-powered assessment features, and it will help you with performance assessment tasks. 

The performance management tools are the ones that you will require for this certain task, and they will surely help you with the recruitment procedures, too. This software will also help you to build more useful and meaningful learning courses for the learners. Cegid will do most of the administrative work so you can work on other tasks.

Qué es la Evaluación del Desempeño - Software de Evaluación del ...

Why do you have to use AI Tools for HR operations?

We have talked about the best AI tools that are introduced to make HR jobs a little easier. Well, you as an HR might not find those tools helpful yet. 

So, following are a few reasons that would help you to understand the need and benefits of using AI tools for all the HR work you do:

  • Reduced paperwork and efficient outcome

Having records saved in hard copies will only clutter your workspace. It would be easier if you use the right AI tool that will help you to keep all the records and you will have the backup of everyone's work so far saved in your system. Less paperwork and more efficient working are the two outcomes of using AI tools that are specially made for HR tasks. 

  • Optimize and analyze data within no time

How will you analyze all the data you get over the internet? How would you know that the people you are choosing for the interviews are up to your job details? It really gets difficult to analyze all the data, all the resumes, and then select people who would be eligible.

 Leave this job to the AI tools because they can optimize and analyze data, and within no time, you will have the results. The Gantt charts drawn by the AI tools will surely play an important role in analyzing the data to give you a final report. 

  • Helps in tracking performance 

As an HR, you might have handled projects with their deadlines, but how would you know the deadlines of all the projects at the same time? With the help of project management features of AI tools, you will certainly remember. Yes, there are a few AI tools that help with project management for your HR job. Manage projects with their deadlines

When it comes to HR tasks, hiring employees is not the only task you will be working on; you will also have to track their performance so far. Well, you must have the right skills at your fingertips because only then will you be able to do your job well. So, with the help of AI tools, you will be able to track the employee's performance just fine.

Final Remarks

Do you still think you would be able to do the HR job more efficiently if you don't use the AI tools that are specially designed for the job details of an HR? Well, you know the top 10 AI tools that have all the features you will require to fulfill your HR tasks and the benefits of using them. So, it would be best to go ahead and choose the best AI tool for your HR job. 

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